Code of Conduct

All individuals using the Barossa Regional University Campus are expected to observe the highest possible standards of behaviour, ethics, and integrity as a condition of use.

There may be disciplinary consequences if people do not comply with the code of conduct and campus access may be revoked.

Treat everyone with courtesy, respect, kindness, and consideration. Act honestly and fairly in all dealings with others.

Respect Campus equipment, supplies and property, avoid waste and minimise extravagant use of resources.

Use Campus technical and physical resources for legitimate study-related purposes.

Comply with all Campus policies and procedures including observing Work Health and Safety policies and procedures and report any accidents/incidents or near misses on the appropriate forms.

Comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions of staff.

Seek advice from staff if someone’s behaviour is perceived to be in breach of the code of conduct.

No unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment.

No offensive language directed towards another person or confrontational behaviour.

No use of campus internet and computer facilities for activities such as online gambling, sending chain letters, uploading, or downloading inappropriate material such as pornography and other illegal activities.

No unauthorised statements to the media about the campus.

Not to consume or be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs whilst at campus. No smoking onsite, unless in the designated smokers area at the rear of the Beckwith Park Chateau Building.